Tuesday, June 22, 2010

See you at the park!!

Sorry for posting this so late, but since we got rained out of the park last week, let's try it again for tomorrow! So we'll see everyone at Bethel Community Park (see map from previous posting if you need directions) at 10:30. I know it's the 3rd Wednesday and we're supposed to do a pot-luck, but since we're so late on the planning, how about everyone just bring a finger-food to share!! However, if you don't want to bring anything...don't let that deter you from coming, we'd rather see you! Also, Kristan Johnston is going to be bringing ice cream cones for everyone to celebrate Maggie's birthday so dessert is covered (and if anyone else's kids eat ice cream like mine...dress them accordingly!). :) Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That was so much fun! Always nice to visit with the moms while the kiddos play. Thanks for the ice cream cones, Kristan, they really hit the spot:)
